Remote Possibilities: Digital Landscapes from the Thoma Foundation Collection brings together six of the world’s foremost contemporary artists to engage the tradition of landscape art. John Gerrard, Kent Monkman, Bruce Nauman, Jennifer Steinkamp, Leo Villareal, and Marina Zurkow use digital technologies in the artistic pursuit of veritable representation, the digital sublime, humanity’s need for control over the wild, and meaning-making of our natural world. The result is an exploration that is both ethical and sensory, pleasurable and devious.

Marina Zurkow (1962- ), Mesocosm (Wink, TX), 2012. Real-time generative custom software animation (color, sound, montor. Variable. Collection of the Carl & Marilynn Thoma Art Foundation. © Marina Zurkow, courtesy of the Carl & Marilynn Thoma Art Foundation, animation still by Marina Zurkow.
This exhibition is made possible in part by support from New Mexico Arts.